Add Language

To add a new language you need to create a class that inherit from LanguageBase.

from jdTextEdit.api.LanguageBase import LanguageBase
from PyQt5.Qsci import QsciLexerPython, QsciAPIs

class MyLanguage(LanguageBase):
    def getLexer(self):
        return QsciLexerPython()

    def getName(self):
        return "My Language"

    def getID(self):
        return "myplugin.mylanguage"

    def getExtensions(self):
        return ["py"]

    def getStarttext(self):
        return ["#!/usr/bin/python"]

    def getAPI(self,lexer):
        api = QsciAPIs(lexer)

Here’s a description of all functions


Returns a QsciScintilla Lexer. You can use a existing one or write one by yourself.


Retruns the Name of your Language.


Returns the ID of your Language. The ID is used to identify your Lanmguage, so make sure it is used by nobody else.

The following functions are optional.


Returns a list with all extension for you filetype. e.g. if the list contains “mylang” and the user open a file with the name “text.mylang” your language will be set.


Some language starts every or the moist time with a special text. e.g. all XML files start with <?xml. This function returns a list which all known starttexts for your language.


Retruns the API for the language.